Etienne de Sevin
- Research Engineer
- Technical manager of Virual Reality and Simulation
- Site internet
- 2006 : PhD Thesis of Computer Sciences option Artificial Intelligence
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
An Action Selection Architecture for Autonomous Virtual Humans in Persistent Worlds
Dir : Pr. Daniel Thalmann - 2000 : Master of Multimedia Project Manager - Université de Lyon 2
- 1999 : Master of Artificial Intelligence - Université de Paris 6 (UPMC)
- 1997 : Licence of Cognitives Sciences - Université de Bordeaux 2
- Until 2015 : Technical Manager/Research Engineer - USR CNRS 3413 SANPSY (Sleep, Attention, NeuroPsychiatry) – Université de Bordeaux – CHU de Bordeaux
- 2012-2015 : Project Manager/R&D Engineer - MASA Group - Paris
- 2010-2012 : Project Manager/Fellow Researcher - LIP6 - Université de Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) - Paris
- 2008-2010 : Fellow Researcher - Greta Team - Telecom ParisTech - Paris
- 2007-2008 : Post-doct - University of Hertfordshire - UK
- 2002-2006 : PhD Tesis - VRLab - Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne - Switzerland
- 2000-2002 : Research Assistant - VRLab - Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne - Switzerland
Research Topics
Virtual health, Conversationnal Agents , Emotions, Personnality, Cognitive Architecture, Serious/Vidéo Games, Virtual réality, Connected Devices.
Previous Publications
- From improved sleep regularity to reduced sleep complaints and mental health conditions: a population-based interventional study using a smartphone-based virtual agent. In SLEEP, 46 (9), 2023. doi
- De l'amélioration de la régularité du sommeil à la réduction des plaintes de sommeil et de santé mentale : étude basée sur un agent conversationnel. In Médecine du Sommeil, 20 (1): 46-47, 2023. doi
- Predictors of users' adherence to a fully automated digital intervention to manage insomnia complaints. In Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2023. doi
- The Craving-Manager smartphone app designed to diagnose substance use/addictive disorders, and manage craving and individual predictors of relapse: a study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial. In Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, 2023. doi
- Smartphone‐based virtual agents and insomnia management: A proof‐of‐concept study for new methods of autonomous screening and management of insomnia symptoms in the general population. In Journal of Sleep Research, 31 (2), 2022. doi
- KANOPEE : efficacité d'une solution numérique autonome dans la prise en charge des plaintes d'insomnies en population générale. In Médecine du Sommeil, 19 (1): 30-31, 2022. doi
- Efficacy of a Smartphone-Based Virtual Companion to Treat Insomniac Complaints in the General Population: Sleep Diary Monitoring Versus an Internet Autonomous Intervention. In Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11 (15): 4387, 2022. doi
- Effectiveness and Acceptance of a Smartphone-Based Virtual Agent Screening for Alcohol and Tobacco Problems and Associated Risk Factors During COVID-19 Pandemic in the General Population. In Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 2021. doi
- Efficacité d'une TCC contre l'insomnie dispensée par un agent virtuel : Résultats pendant et après le confinement du COVID-19. In Médecine du Sommeil, 18 (1): 26, 2021. doi
- Guidelines for the design of a virtual patient for psychiatric interview training. In Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 15 (2): 99-107, 2021. doi
- Des agents virtuels sur smartphone pour faire face aux plaintes de sommeil pendant le confinement du COVID-19 : étude de faisabilité. In Médecine du Sommeil, 18 (1): 43, 2021. doi
- Event-Related Electrodermal Response to Stress: Results From a Realistic Driving Simulator Scenario. In Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 62 (1): 138-151, 2020. doi
- Evaluation of a virtual agent to train medical students conducting psychiatric interviews for diagnosing major depressive disorders. In Journal of Affective Disorders, 263: 1-8, 2020. doi
- Trust and acceptance of a virtual psychiatric interview between embodied conversational agents and outpatients. In npj Digital Medicine, 3 (1): 2, 2020. doi
- Smartphone-Based Virtual Agents to Help the General Population Concerned by Sleep Complaints During COVID-19 Confinement: A Feasibility Study (Preprint). In Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22 (12), 2020.
- Smartphone-Based Virtual Agents Can Help the General Population Concerned by Sleep Complaints: A Proof-of-Concept Study During COVID-19 Confinement. In SSRN Electronic Journal, 22 (12), 2020. doi
- Smartphone-Based Virtual Agents to Help Individuals With Sleep Concerns During COVID-19 Confinement: Feasibility Study. In Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22 (12): e24268, 2020. doi
- Symptômes oculomoteurs et nausées liés à l'insomnie dans un simulateur de conduite. In Médecine du Sommeil, 16 (1): 62, 2019. doi
- How sleep problems contribute to simulator sickness: Preliminary results from a realistic driving scenario. In Journal of Sleep Research, 28 (2), 2019. doi
- Valeur prédictive de l'analyse de 6300 nuits d'usage de PPC sur les plaintes d'insomnie et le sentiment d'efficacité personnelle dans le SAOS. In Médecine du Sommeil, 16 (1): 37-38, 2019. doi
- Development and validation of a virtual agent to screen tobacco and alcohol use disorders. In Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 193: 1-6, 2018. doi
- Qu'apportent les outils de réalité virtuelle en psychiatrie de l'enfant et l'adolescent ?. In L'Encéphale, 44 (3): 280-285, 2018. doi
- What do virtual reality tools bring to child and adolescent psychiatry? | Qu'apportent les outils de réalité virtuelle en psychiatrie de l'enfant et l'adolescent ?. In Encephale, 44 (3), 2018.
- Qu'apportent les outils de réalité virtuelle en psychiatrie de l'enfant et l'adolescent ? = What do virtual reality tools bring to child and adolescent psychiatry?. In L'Encéphale: Revue de psychiatrie clinique biologique et thérapeutique, 44 (3), 2018.
- Technology as a Tool for Mental Disorders. In JAMA, 319 (5): 504, 2018. doi
- Médecins virtuels et e-santé. In La Revue de l'Infirmière, 66 (235): 32, 2017. doi
- Virtual human as a new diagnostic tool, a proof of concept study in the field of major depressive disorders. In Scientific Reports, 7 (1): 42656, 2017. doi
- Effects of pre-existing sleep quality on emotional reactivity. In Acta Physiologica, 217 (SUPPL. 708), 2016.
- Fréquence de la dépression au sein d'une consultation de sommeil et nouveaux outils numériques : de l'intérêt d'agents virtuels pour aider les médecins à l'identification des troubles de l'humeur. In Médecine du Sommeil, 13 (1): 27, 2016. doi
In Proceedings
- Factors associated with acceptance of a virtual companion providing screening and advices for sleep problems during COVID-19 crisis. In Proceedings of the 21th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, pages 48-51, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2021.
- A Virtual Patient to Train Semiology Extraction and Empathic Communication Skills for Psychiatric Interview. In Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, pages 188-190, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2019.
- Acceptability of Embodied Conversational Agent in a Health Care Context. In 16th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, pages 416-419, 2016. doi