Congrès d'addictologie Albatros et CPDD 2018

Rédigé par Jean-Marc ALEXANDRE - 02 mai 2018

L'équipe Addiction de SANPSY sera présente au congrès d'addictologie de l'Albatros (Paris, 6-8 juin) et au congrès CPDD (San Diego, USA, 9 -14 juin)

The SANSPY Addiction team will attend Albatros meeting (Paris, June 6-8) and CPDD meeting (San Diego June 9-14)

Plusieurs travaux récents de notre équipe seront présentés / Recent works of our team to be presented :


Unmet need for opioid use disorder treatment: an European perspective
M. Auriacombe. Addiction Psychiatry, CNRS USR 3413 SANPsy, Univ. Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France

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12-months treatment outcome comparison of opiate use disorder individuals beginning opiate maintenance treatment under naturalistic conditions, witch buprenorphine or methadone
M. Fatséas1, F. Serre2, C. Denis3, JP. Daoulouède4, M. Auriacombe2
1 Centre Hospitalier Charles Perrens, Bordeaux, France
2 Addiction Psychiatry, CNRS USR 3413 SANPsy, Univ. Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France
3 Center for Studies of Addiction, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
4 Bizia Addiction Clinic, Bayonne, France

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European Opioid Addiction Treatment Survey – EUROPAD – The France Experience
M. Chevalier1,2, F. Serre1,2, M. Fatséas1,2, JP. Daulouède3, D. Touzeau4, A. Benyamina5, C. Baran5, P. Villeger6, M. Auriacombe1,2
1 Addiction Research, CNRS USR 3413 SANPSY, University of Bordeaux, France
2 Addiction Clinic, CH Ch. Perrens and CHU Bordeaux, France
3 Addiction Clinic, BIZIA, CH Côte Basque, Bayonne, France
4 Addiction Clinic, CH Paul Guiraud, Bagneux, France
5 Addiction Clinic, Paul Brousse Hospital, Villejuif, France
6 Addiction Clinic, CH Esquirol, Limoges, France

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Influence of impulsivity fluctuations on craving and substances use among patients beginning treatment for addiction: an Ecological Momentary Assessment study
Louise Jakubiec1,2, Manon Chevalier1,2, Fuschia Serre1,2, Melina Fatseas1,2, Maud Dupuy3, Joel Swendsen3 , Marc Auriacombe1,2,
1 Addiction Research, CNRS USR 3413 SANPSY, University of Bordeaux, France
2 Addiction Clinic, CH Ch. Perrens and CHU Bordeaux, France
3 Institut de Neurosciences cognitives et intégratives d'Aquitaine CNRS UMR 5287 – INCIA, Université de Bordeaux, France

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Experience of an employee-focused program for tobacco addiction treatment among employees of a French healthcare institution
MT. Ceccato1, J. Dubernet1, S. François1, JM Alexandre1,2, M. Auriacombe1,2
1 Charles Perrens Hospital, University hospital of Bordeaux, France
2 Addiction Research, CNRS USR 3413 SANPsy, University of Bordeaux, France

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Characteristics of problematic users of Trihexyphenidyl in a French overseas territory
G. Tomas-Bouil-Broto1,2,4, M. Spodenkiewicz2,5, D. Mété3, JM Alexandre1,4, L. Blum2, M. Auriacombe1,4
1 Addiction Research, CNRS USR 3413 SANPsy, University of Bordeaux, France
2 CHU Sud Reunion, University of Reunion, Saint-Pierre, France
3 Addiction clinic, CHU Félix Guyon, Saint-Denis, France
4 Addiction Clinic, CH Ch. Perrens and CHU Bordeaux, France
5 INSERM 1178, University of Paris-Sud, Paris, France

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Item Response Theory analyses of DSM-5 substance criteria: comparison of active substance users seeking treatment and those in harm reduction settings
M. Auriacombe1,2, C. Kervran1, F. Serre1, C. Denis2,1, P. Roux3, M. Jauffret-Roustide4, L. Lalanne5, M. Fatséas1
1 Addiction Psychiatry, CNRS USR 3413 SANPsy, Univ. Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France
2 Center for Studies of Addiction, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
3 Inserm, Sesstim UMR912, Marseille, France
4 Cermes3, Inserm U988, SNRS UMR 8236, Université Paris Descartes, Paris, France
5 Inserm U1114 CHRU de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France

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Addiction-related characteristics of substances users in harm reduction settings: a systematic review
C. Kervran1, F. Serre1, C. Denis2,1, P. Roux3, M. Jauffret-Roustide4, L. Lalanne5, M. Fatséas1, M. Auriacombe1,2
1 Addiction Psychiatry, CNRS USR 3413 SANPsy, Univ. Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France
2 Center for Studies of Addiction, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
3 Inserm, Sesstim UMR912, Marseille, France
4 Cermes3, Inserm U988, SNRS UMR 8236, Université Paris Descartes, Paris, France
5 Inserm U1114 CHRU de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France

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Pr. Marc Auriacombe

Directeur adjoint

J. Taillard

Administration :

Tel : +33 (0)5 57 82 01 73

Bureau Recherche Sommeil

Tel : +33 (0)5 57 82 01 82

Bureau Recherche Addiction

Tel : +33 (0)5 56 56 17 67

Adresse :

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Place Amélie- Raba-Léon
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