Congrès 2023 : SAA, CPDD, Albatros, ATHS...

Rédigé par Jean-Marc ALEXANDRE - 30 mai 2023


Comme chaque année, SANPSY Axe Addiction participera activement à différents congrès :

- Congrès SAA - Society for Ambulatory Assessment 2023, qui se tiendra du 5 au 7 juin 2023 à Amsterdam // SAA - Society for Ambulatory Assessment 2023 conference, to be held in Amsterdam from June 5 to 7, 2023.

- Congrès de l'ALBATROS, du 6 au 8 juin à Paris // ALBATROS Meeting, to be held from June 6 to June 8, Paris,

- Congrès CPDD - The College on Problem on Drug Dependence, qui se tiendra du 17 au 21 juin à Denver, USA // CPDD meeting, to be held in Denvers from June 17 to 21, Denver USA,

- Congrès ATHS - Addiction Toxicomanie Hépatite SIDA, du 24 au 27 octobre, Biarritz // ATHS Meeting, to be held in Biarritz from October 24 to 27,


Ci-dessous, retrouvez nos posters // dowload our posters below :


SAA#Poster 2: Physiological signals in daily life among tobacco, alcohol and cannabis users: Discriminating stress from craving episodes
Emmanuelle Baillet, Chloé Vacher, Cassandre Romao, Hakim Si-Mohammed, Camille Jeunet-Kelway, Fuschia Serre, Marc Auriacombe

=> Lien de téchargement / Dowload link


SAA#Poster 30: Feasibility of Ecological Momentary Assessment research among active illegal substances users with an untreated substance use disorder
Laura Lambert, Charlotte Kervran, Emmanuelle Baillet, Léa Donnadieu, Marc Auriacombe, Fuschia Serre

=> Lien de téchargement / Dowload link


SAA#Poster 46/ALBATROS: Dynamic Networks to explore predictors of substance use among patients beginning treatment for Substance Use Disorders
Fuschia Serre, Christophe Gauld, Laura Lambert, Emmanuelle Baillet, Jean-Arthur Micoulaud-Franchi, Marc Auriacombe

=> Lien de téchargement / Dowload Link (SAA)

=> Lien de téchargement / Dowload Link (ALBATROS)


CPDD: Craving: an early marker of addiction? one-year prospective study.
E. Baillet; C. Romao; S. Moriceau; F. Serre; M. Auriacombe

=> Lien de téchargement / Dowload Link


CPDD: VITAE - Realist Evaluation of the impact, viability, and transferability of an alcohol harm reduction support program based on mental health recovery: The Vitae Study
Sarah Moriceau, Sarah Perrin, Fuschia Serre, Nolwenn Stevens, Linda Cambon, Marc Auriacombe, Judith Martin-Fernandez

=> Lien de téchargement / Dowload Link

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