Patricia SAGASPE
Current Status
- Research Engineer (PhD) – Bordeaux Hospital
- patricia.sagaspe(at)
- Tel : +33 5 57 82 12 25
Host Laboratory
University Degrees
- PhD Psychology – University of Bordeaux 2 (2004)
- Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) specialization – University of Bordeaux 2 (2003-2004)
- Psychologist degree (2000)
- 2011- : Research Engineer - Bordeaux Hospital - USR CNRS 3413 SANPSY (Sleep, Attention and NeuroPSYchiatry) - University of Bordeaux
- 2005-2011 : Post-Doctoral position IFSTTAR (Institut Français Sciences Technologies Transports Aménagement Réseaux) - Paris
- 2004-2005 : Post-Doctoral position – University of Geneva (Switzerland) (Laboratory of Neurology and Imagery of the Cognition) - FYSSEN Foundation Post-doctoral research Fellowship
- 2000-2004 : PhD Psychology – University of Bordeaux 2 - Fellowship from French Ministry of Research MENRT
- 2000-2004 : Lecturer Psychology – University of Bordeaux 2
- Domains : Cognitive Psychology, cognitive neurosciences, sleep, virtual reality, aging
- Scientific expertise : Attentional processes, behavioural vigilance, executive functions, inhibition, attentional deficits, sleep disorders, driving simulator, sleepiness at the wheel, virtual reality environments, normal and pathological aging
- Déterminants du risque d'accident de la route chez les patients SAOS traités par PPC : données d'une cohorte prospective multicentrique française. In Médecine du Sommeil, 21 (1): 22, 2024. doi
- Validation de la version française du questionnaire de chronotype de Munich (MCTQ) et associations avec paramètres objectifs du sommeil. In Médecine du Sommeil, 21 (1): 11, 2024. doi
- Interactions réciproques entre comportements et santé du sommeil et santé mentale : une analyse d'équation structurelle dans une cohorte numérique. In Médecine du Sommeil, 21 (1): 30, 2024. doi
- Bordeaux Sleepiness Scale (BOSS) : une nouvelle échelle pour évaluer le risque accidentel lié à la somnolence au volant. In Médecine du Sommeil, 21 (1): 5, 2024. doi
- Perceptions and Effectiveness of a Fully-Automated Brief Behavioral Insomnia Therapy, Delivered by a Virtual Companion, in Older and Young Adults. In Innovation in Aging, 2024. doi
- Who is at risk for dropout from a virtual-agent based digital therapy for insomnia?. In Sleep Medicine, 115: S154, 2024. doi
- From improved sleep regularity to reduced sleep complaints and mental health conditions: a population-based interventional study using a smartphone-based virtual agent. In SLEEP, 46 (9), 2023. doi
- De l'amélioration de la régularité du sommeil à la réduction des plaintes de sommeil et de santé mentale : étude basée sur un agent conversationnel. In Médecine du Sommeil, 20 (1): 46-47, 2023. doi
- The Bordeaux Sleepiness Scale (BOSS): a new questionnaire to measure sleep-related driving risk. In Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 19 (5): 957-965, 2023. doi
- Validity and diagnostic performance of a virtual reality-based supermarket application “MEMOSHOP” for assessing episodic memory in normal and pathological aging. In DIGITAL HEALTH, 9, 2023. doi
- Predictors of users' adherence to a fully automated digital intervention to manage insomnia complaints. In Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2023. doi
- Caractéristiques des fuseaux de sommeil et du couplage ondes lentes et fuseaux : modifications liées à l'âge et au sexe chez les sujets sains. In Médecine du Sommeil, 20 (1): 11, 2023. doi
- Caractéristiques des fuseaux de sommeil et couplage ondes lentes et fuseaux : biomarqueurs des performances cognitives chez le sujet sain. In Médecine du Sommeil, 20 (1): 24, 2023. doi
- Efficacy of a Smartphone-Based Virtual Companion to Treat Insomniac Complaints in the General Population: Sleep Diary Monitoring Versus an Internet Autonomous Intervention. In Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11 (15): 4387, 2022. doi
- Sentiment de s'être endormi ou pas durant le Test de Maintien de l'Eveil : prédiction du risque accidentel chez des patients avec troubles du sommeil. In Médecine du Sommeil, 19 (1): 66, 2022. doi
- Does Homeostatic Sleep Pressure Buildup Explain Objective Excessive Daytime Sleepiness in Adults With ADHD? An Exploratory Study. In Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 2021. doi
- Factors associated with serious vehicular accidents: A cross‐sectional study in hospital emergency rooms. In British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 87 (2): 612-621, 2021. doi
- Le Test de Maintien de l'éveil prédit il le risque accidentel chez des patients présentant des troubles du sommeil ?. In Médecine du Sommeil, 18 (1): 44, 2021. doi
- Maintenance of wakefulness test: how does it predict accident risk in patients with sleep disorders?. In Sleep Medicine, 77: 249-255, 2021. doi
- Self-perceived sleep during the Maintenance of Wakefulness Test: how does it predict accidental risk in patients with sleep disorders?. In Sleep, 44 (11), 2021. doi
- Sleep in Normal Aging, Homeostatic and Circadian Regulation and Vulnerability to Sleep Deprivation. In Brain Sciences, 11 (8): 1003, 2021. doi
- Sleep timing, chronotype and social jetlag: Impact on cognitive abilities and psychiatric disorders. In Biochemical Pharmacology, 191: 114438, 2021. doi
- Virtual Remediation Versus Methylphenidate to Improve Distractibility in Children With ADHD: A Controlled Randomized Clinical Trial Study. In Journal of Attention Disorders, 24 (2): 326-335, 2020. doi
- Objective Level of Alertness and Inhibitory Control Predict Highway Driving Impairment in Adults With ADHD. In Journal of Attention Disorders, 24 (11): 1475-1486, 2020. doi
- Somnolence diurne excessive et pression du sommeil chez les patients adultes avec TDAH. In Médecine du Sommeil, 17 (1): 28, 2020. doi
- Excessive Daytime Sleepiness Measurements in Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. In Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 2020. doi
- Feasibility of the cognitive assessment of nursing home residents with mild-to-moderate cognitive impairment using the intelligent voice-guided digital assistant THALIE: A pilot study. In Gerontechnology, 19 (4): 1-9, 2020. doi
- Altération de l'attention soutenue et de la qualité de vie liée au sommeil chez le sujet âgé avec troubles cognitifs légers. In Médecine du Sommeil, 17 (1): 58, 2020. doi
- Sensory Gating Capacity and Attentional Function in Adults With ADHD: A Preliminary Neurophysiological and Neuropsychological Study. In Journal of Attention Disorders, 23 (10): 1199-1209, 2019. doi
- Acute Intake of a Grape and Blueberry Polyphenol-Rich Extract Ameliorates Cognitive Performance in Healthy Young Adults During a Sustained Cognitive Effort. In Antioxidants, 8 (12): 650, 2019. doi
- Maintenance of Wakefulness Test, real and simulated driving in patients with narcolepsy/hypersomnia. In Sleep Medicine, 55: 1-5, 2019. doi
- Non-REM Sleep Characteristics Predict Early Cognitive Impairment in an Aging Population. In Frontiers in Neurology, 10, 2019. doi
- Qu'apportent les outils de réalité virtuelle en psychiatrie de l'enfant et l'adolescent ?. In L'Encéphale, 44 (3): 280-285, 2018. doi
- What do virtual reality tools bring to child and adolescent psychiatry? | Qu'apportent les outils de réalité virtuelle en psychiatrie de l'enfant et l'adolescent ?. In Encephale, 44 (3), 2018.
- Qu'apportent les outils de réalité virtuelle en psychiatrie de l'enfant et l'adolescent ? = What do virtual reality tools bring to child and adolescent psychiatry?. In L'Encéphale: Revue de psychiatrie clinique biologique et thérapeutique, 44 (3), 2018.
- Risk of Motor Vehicle Accidents Related to Sleepiness at the Wheel: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. In Sleep, 41 (7), 2018. doi
- Chronotype, privation chronique de sommeil, jet lag social et symptômes TDAH chez 18 436 adultes actifs. In Médecine du Sommeil, 15 (1): 4-5, 2018. doi
- Risque accidentel chez les sujets TDAH : rôle de la somnolence. In Médecine du Sommeil, 14 (1): 7, 2017. doi
- Virtual human as a new diagnostic tool, a proof of concept study in the field of major depressive disorders. In Scientific Reports, 7 (1): 42656, 2017. doi
- Prédictibilité des performances de conduite chez des patients narcoleptiques/hypersomniaques : score au TME versus somnolence subjective in situ. In Médecine du Sommeil, 14 (1): 49, 2017. doi
- How real road-driving performance, simulated driving performance, and maintenance of wakefulness test are related in narcolepsy/hypersomnia patients?. In Sleep Medicine, 40: e287, 2017. doi
- Prédictibilité des performances de conduite réelle chez des patients narcoleptiques/hypersomniaques : TME versus simulation de conduite. In Médecine du Sommeil, 14 (1): 5, 2017. doi
- Chronotype, chronic sleep restriction, social jet lag and ADHD symptoms in 18436 active adults. In Sleep Medicine, 40: e323-e324, 2017. doi
- La diminution de la puissance des bandes delta, thêta et sigma de l'EEG de sommeil est associée au troubles cognitifs légers chez les sujets âgées. In Médecine du Sommeil, 14 (1): 9, 2017. doi
- Analyse automatique du sommeil à partir d'une unique dérivation EEG : validation chez des patients ayant des troubles cognitifs légers. In Médecine du Sommeil, 13 (1): 30-31, 2016. doi
- Validation of the French version of the Acceptability E-scale (AES) for mental E-health systems. In Psychiatry Research, 237: 196-200, 2016. doi
- Symptômes du trouble de déficit de l'attention/hyperactivité, somnolence et risque accidentel chez 36 140 abonnés d'autoroute. In Médecine du Sommeil, 13 (1): 12-13, 2016. doi
- Fréquence de la dépression au sein d'une consultation de sommeil et nouveaux outils numériques : de l'intérêt d'agents virtuels pour aider les médecins à l'identification des troubles de l'humeur. In Médecine du Sommeil, 13 (1): 27, 2016. doi
- Association between reported sleep need and sleepiness at the wheel: comparative study on French highways between 1996 and 2011. In BMJ Open, 6 (12): e012382, 2016. doi
- Éveils nocturnes et risque d'apparition de troubles cognitifs chez le sujet âgé. In Médecine du Sommeil, 13 (1): 6, 2016. doi
- Effets de l'âge et du chronotype sur l'accumulation de la pression du sommeil au cours de l'éveil. In Médecine du Sommeil, 13 (1): 13, 2016. doi
- Excessive Daytime Sleepiness in Adult Patients With ADHD as Measured by the Maintenance of Wakefulness Test, an Electrophysiologic Measure. In The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 76 (07): 943-948, 2015. doi
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms, Sleepiness and Accidental Risk in 36140 Regularly Registered Highway Drivers. In PLOS ONE, 10 (9): e0138004, 2015. doi
- Données polysomnographiques chez des patients ayant des plaintes isolées de mémoire ou des troubles cognitifs légers. In Médecine du Sommeil, 12 (1): 46, 2015. doi
- Somnolence diurne excessive objective et performance de conduite chez des sujets TDAH adultes. In Médecine du Sommeil, 11 (1): 36, 2014. doi
- Le modafinil améliore les performances de conduite réelle chez des patients souffrant d'hypersomnie centrale. In Médecine du Sommeil, 11 (1): 11, 2014. doi
- Naturalistic conversation improves daytime motorway driving performance under a benzodiazepine: A randomised, crossover, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. In Accident Analysis & Prevention, 67: 61-66, 2014. doi
- La somnolence au volant et le risque d'accidents de la route : une étude de population cas–témoins menée en France. In Médecine du Sommeil, 11 (1): 12-13, 2014. doi
- Complaints of Poor Sleep and Risk of Traffic Accidents: A Population-Based Case-Control Study. In PLoS ONE, 9 (12): e114102, 2014. doi
- Modafinil Improves Real Driving Performance in Patients with Hypersomnia: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Crossover Clinical Trial. In Sleep, 37 (3): 483-487, 2014. doi
- Lorazepam impairs highway driving performance more than heavy alcohol consumption. In Accident Analysis & Prevention, 60: 31-34, 2013. doi
- Maintenance of Wakefulness Test scores and driving performance in sleep disorder patients and controls. In International Journal of Psychophysiology, 89 (2): 195-202, 2013. doi
- Changes in sleep quality and alertness in opiate-dependent subjects after stable methadone and buprenorphine maintenance treatment. A pilot exploratory report. In Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems, 15 (1): 39-44, 2013.
- Reliability of simulator driving tool for evaluation of sleepiness, fatigue and driving performance. In Accident Analysis & Prevention, 45: 677-682, 2012. doi
- Acute Versus Chronic Partial Sleep Deprivation in Middle-Aged People: Differential Effect on Performance and Sleepiness. In Sleep, 35 (7): 997-1002, 2012. doi
- Influence of Age, Circadian and Homeostatic Processes on Inhibitory Motor Control: A Go/Nogo Task Study. In PLoS ONE, 7 (6): e39410, 2012. doi
- In-Car Nocturnal Blue Light Exposure Improves Motorway Driving: A Randomized Controlled Trial. In PLoS ONE, 7 (10): e46750, 2012. doi
- Effects of acute and chronic sleep deprivation on daytime alertness and cognitive performance of healthy snorers and non-snorers. In Sleep Medicine, 13 (1): 29-35, 2012. doi
- Sleep and accidents. In Bulletin de l'Académie nationale de médecine, 195 (7): 1635-1643, 2011.
- Fear and stop: A role for the amygdala in motor inhibition by emotional signals. In NeuroImage, 55 (4): 1825-1835, 2011. doi
- Time Course of Neurobehavioral Alertness During Extended Wakefulness in Morning- and Evening-Type Healthy Sleepers. In Chronobiology International, 28 (6): 520-527, 2011. doi
- Prolonged nocturnal driving can be as dangerous as severe alcohol-impaired driving. In Journal of Sleep Research, 20 (4): 585-588, 2011. doi
- Drowsy driving. Oxford University Press, 2018. WWW
- Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine. (5th Edition). Elsevier, USA., 2011.
- Les auteurs. In Les Troubles du Sommeil, pages vii-viii, Elsevier, 2019.
- Drowsiness in Transportation Workers. In Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine, pages 708-713.e4, Elsevier, 2017.
- Sleepiness, crashes and the effectiveness of Countermeasures. Effectiven In Sleepiness, crashes and the effectiveness of Countermeasures, pages 26-28, 2011.
In Proceedings
- Acceptability of Embodied Conversational Agent in a Health Care Context. In 16th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, pages 416-419, 2016. doi