Virginie BELTRAN
- Attachée de recherche clinique
- SANPSY - Equipe Addiction
- 2006 : Diplôme de Statistique Appliquée à la Médecine (Centre d’Enseignement CESAM) options Méthodologie Statistique et Epidémiologie-Principes et méthodes quantitatives, Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6, mention TB.
- 2003 D.E.S.S. de Neuropsychopharmacologie et Toxicomanies, Université Bordeaux 2, Bordeaux, mention TB.
Thèmes de recherche
Addiction aux substances / Addiction comportementale
- Usefulness and validity of the modified Addiction Severity Index: A focus on alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and gambling. In Substance Abuse, 37 (1): 168-175, 2016. doi
- Risk-taking behavior over 36-month follow-up treatment in outpatient opioid maintenance treatment program. In Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 146: e258, 2015. doi
- Impact of 20 years harm reduction policy on HIV and HCV among opioid users not in treatment. In Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 146: e261, 2015. doi
- Association between morningness/eveningness, addiction severity and psychiatric disorders among individuals with addictions. In Psychiatry Research, 229 (3): 1024-1030, 2015. doi
- 10-years outcome of methadone- and buprenorphine-maintained patients. Mortality, quality of life and substance use. In Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 140: e8, 2014. doi
- Changes in Sleep Quality in Opiate-Dependent Subjects in Methadone and Buprenorphine Maintenance Treatment over a 12-month period. In Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems, 15 (1): 39-44, 2013.
- Validity of the Self-Reported Drug Use Section of the Addiction Severity Index and Associated Factors Used under Naturalistic Conditions. In Substance Use & Misuse, 47 (4): 356-363, 2012. doi
In Proceedings
- Comorbidités psychiatriques chez les consommateurs de tabac. Etude transversale sur les consommateurs de tabac reçus au CSAPA BIZIA à Bayonne de 2006 à 2010. In 5èmes Journées de l'Albatros, Congrès international d'Addictologie, Paris, 2011.